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Migrate from Webflow to Stackbit

Migrate from Webflow to Stackbit

Webflow is a great tool for when your company is young. But as your team scales, you'll need a web architecture that can keep up.
Hero image

”Stackbit is in this great place where marketers think it's marketers-first and developers think it's developer-first. Everyone is finally happy.”

Andy Choquette - VP of Tech @ AboduAlt text of the image
Andy Choquette
VP of Tech @ Abodu

”Stackbit eased my tensions of moving to a headless CMS (Contentful). Everything that our dev team has built will be super easy to go into and use, and I can see so many more people on our marketing team benefiting from this.”

Alexander York - Senior Content Manager @ ClickUpAlt text of the image
Alexander York
Senior Content Manager @ ClickUp

Migration overview

1. Single-step or gradual migration?

2. Export your webflow content

3. Export your code and design

4. Import code and content into a modern website

5. Wire the code and content

6. Launch your new site!