How Stackbit delivered TELUS 10x faster page builds, super performance
Telus, one of Canada’s leading telecom companies, leveraged Stackbit's visual editing capabilities as the final piece of their four-year digital transformation.
Build pages fast with superior SEO–using unlimited custom templates approved by your design team
Stackbit gives you a visual interface so you can create and edit pages on your schedule. No more bottlenecks or waiting in the engineering backlog.
No other sitebuilder gives you the fine-grained control needed for exceptional SEO. Using Stackbit, your content and technical SEO teams can dive into custom fields to tune SEO on each page and on the site overall.
Marketers love Stackbit because of our templates. Unlike other sitebuilders, we give you the perfect balance between ease and precision. Most CMSs boast about offering templates–but leave out the fine print. Maybe their templates are limited and cookie-cutter. (Notice how most Squarespace sites look the same?) Other CMSs offer customization but limit the number of templates you can create.
Stackbit lets you create as many templates as you want. And your design team is able to use the design system to always enforce consistency.
At Stackbit, we believe your website should belong to you. Too many sitebuilders charge marketers by amount of traffic or number of landing pages you create. Because your company owns the system, you'll pay the same price regardless of how many pages, visitors, or customers you serve. Marketers understand ROI and Stackbit delivers.
Telus, one of Canada’s leading telecom companies, leveraged Stackbit's visual editing capabilities as the final piece of their four-year digital transformation.
Newtopia, a personalized whole health platform, leveraged Stackbit’s visual editing capabilities to unlock marketer independence with their headless website.
Wellster, an innovative next generation health provider, leveraged Stackbit's visual editing platform to improve developer efficiency while accelerating content operations and collaboration.