Local development for Contentful
It is now possible to access Stackbit's visual editor without having to create a workspace for websites using Contentful as data source.
All product updates will now appear in Netlify's Changelog
It is now possible to access Stackbit's visual editor without having to create a workspace for websites using Contentful as data source.
Improved support for Stackbit workspace using Sanity as a content source includes support for annotations, content presets, and basic publishing workflows.
New Stackbit example using Typescript. This is a minimal starting point for the new Stackbit workspaces. It is built with Next.js, TypeScript, and MUI, and is equipped with visual editing capabilities using Stackbit.
It is now possible to access Stackbit's visual editor without having to create a workspace. Previously, when working locally with Stackbit, local changes had to be pushed to the branch used by Stackbit to be previewed.
We added an example for using Contentful as a content source. This is meant for organizations already using Contentful and looking to evaluate Stackbit under that premise.